Sunday, May 13, 2007


So it's been a computer died...came back to life...and then I
had a presentation to work on. Well the presentation went well and all
of the stuff attached to it (practice, research, assembling) is all done.
Now back to the other stuff.

One of the coolest things about this presentation is one of the other
presenters was a guy from Hollywood...this guy created some of my
favorite tv shows when I was an awkward teenager in a small town high
school...his stuff was great. Well...I offered and got to pick him up from
the Dayton was great! And yes...I am a geek...but a happy it matters little.

His flight got delayed and the website (american airlines) failed to
update the arrival time I got to spend some quality time
in Dayton...I opened up my itunes to see if I could download some of the
podcasts i listen to and it was a no go....nothing to connect to...but the
funny thing was the Dayton airport taunted me (see image below). Along
with being unable to changed all the podcast names...

Oh Dayton airport...small small hole in the wall spit in my
eye and I could do only recourse was to blog about it...

1 comment:

chris ignizio said...

i've been strongly encouraged to start writing again, so i thought i'd stop and say "hi."

how's stevie's site coming?