Thursday, February 23, 2006

quick sketches

didn't have too much time today...found some stuff online last night
that just dripped of talent...i'm going to copy this guy until some of
his knowledge rubs off on me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The kid is supposed to be here anyday now...well "here"
being outside of Hol's belly. Pretty crazy stuff...there's a
human in Hol right now, just chillin.

Could the womb be the closest thing to heaven that we'll
experience on earth? It's a secure environment (well...for
9 months or so and then you get flushed down a toilet...
probably not the best analogy... how about thrown out with
the bath water?...anyway), you don't have to worry about
food, there's an unseen force/being that just exudes love in
your direction, there's nothing to do really...could the kid be
constantly praying and talking with God? Could this constant
commune only be interrupted by the occasional case of the
hiccups or the need to kick you mom in her bladder?

If that's the case it's a bummer we forget it all...

And on a totally seperate topic...Wookie!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A hole in the pants goes undetected

To my shock as the pants came off tonight I found a rather large
hole in the backside. I wanted to convery the sheer size of the hole
and picked the closest thing to me...Transformer Alternator WheelJack
(a heroic Autobot). Then it occured to me that not all people can
instantly recognize the size of Wheeljack so I then picked up a quarter.
Why is Wheeljack in the picture? Well... it seemed like a waste to not
take a picture of him since I already had him positioned.

Do you see the size of said hole? It's huge! Which then started me on a
thought process of the following:
-Did anyone see said hole?
-Did they feel comfortable telling me?
-Do I have any true friends? Truely?
-How big would the hole have to be before someone would say something?
-Have never gone commando and never will.
-Could jeans have technology sewed into them so if a hole did occur
I could receive an email telling me about said hole?


A-ha! For a few minutes I wasn't able to access my images to post
and all I could think was "stevie is going to digitall pistol whip me
again for not posting"...there was a little bit of finger nail biting...
which Hol will attest happens every her utter dismay. in progress of a tank needs some marker

Had the weekly staff meeting and instead of drawing the backs
of people's heads I went for their shoes. Never drawn them before
and to my surprise they're kinda fun! Is the high I get from drawing
shoes the same as buying them? Maybe? Perhaps? It's for sure cheaper.

Monday, February 20, 2006

You want HOW MUCH?

I'm a fan of watches. Big fan. But not the typical watches...I
like the different ones...the ones that reinterpret how we read
time. Two hands are okay but they've been repeated over
and's an example of "different" to me.

It's pretty sweet. Still tells time and it doesn't take too long
how to figure it out. I should have know the price tag was
going to be a bit high when the only US vendor is on Rodeo
Drive (the pricey Rodeo drive... Dad, it's the Rodeo where
we parked the Oldmobile between the Hummer and the lexus).

Anyway...I called the place and with my best voice asked
for the price. The lady calmly said "56 thousand dollars"...
I thanked her as quickly as I could and got off the phone.

56 GRAND! For a watch! And I bet there aren't any kind of
coupons offered to get the price down to, say, 52 grand.
I knew when a girl was our of my league (heck...I married
a girl out of my league) but it always took me a while to
figure it out. Here, within 2 seconds the phone lady let me
know that the chances of me ever owning this watch flew out
the window and far far far into the sky.

The bigger question is who buys this kind of watch? There

has to be a market otherwise they wouldn't offer it. HOLY COW!
Most people would say to themselves," I spend my
entire year's salary or perhaps pay the mortage, phone bill,
utilities, cell phone car(s), etc. etc. OR buy a sweet watch..
..decisions decisions."

Best Form of Flattery

It always helps me to copy someone else's ideas when
getting back in "drawing shape"...there's less to think
about and focus can be put on the quality of the lines
...not what the lines add up to. So I'm leafing through
the art book from "revenge of the sith"...those guys (and
girls) are amazing...who knows how many hours they've spent
perfecting their circles and their hand movements...thoughts
translate perfectly to forms.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A brief intermission sketches today either. The past couple of days
have been spent working on a bookcase. Pictures will
be forthcoming. In the meantime there's a new Optimus
Prime in town. Maybe cool...maybe not. Here's the first
look. Don't know the price point or if it'll be released
in the States.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I don't know how editors can make catchy headlines day
after day. Been at this for a week now?...and the "enter
title here" box stares at me blankly for seconds...then I
sigh and enter the usual...yep...yo!...hey!...hello!...
the exclamation point helps a little bit but it's power
fades quickly...maybe I should just borrow titles from the
morning newspaper...ones that just don't seem right like
"Doctors approve controversial pill" and right next to it
is my drawings for the day....yes...that sounds
shall be so.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

no time for a cool title

Lost is about to start...ah!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 progress?

So I was playing with the colors and purple seemed
like a good one to start with...and then I thought...
yeah...gray would be I put that in there too
...and pretty soon it was looking good...good for a
rough at least...then I stepped back and thought...
wow...those marvel guys had a great color combo when
they created MAGNETO...all this time I was working on
superhero Christ and I copied the master of magnetism
...shucks...oh well...the wacom is getting easier to use

Monday, February 13, 2006

Superhero Christ?

What would Christ look like as a superhero? Did "Bibleman" get
it right? He'd be the ultimate bad ass so is a cape even necessary?
Is purple really his kind of color? First stab at things...we'll see
what happens

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Oh the wacky wacom

So one of the big reasons to do this blog is so I
would feel more responsible about sketching every day.
Good or bad. In this case bad. The wacom is a fab tool
but only when you get used to not drawing where you're's a bit disconcerting and takes a while to
adjust. So this sketch it part of my adjustment time...
can you tell?

one day off

I did this yesterday...honest! But Hol and I were watching
Green Mile (great movie) and it got late...scanning and
posting completely skipped my mind...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Not on my birthday wish list

So I'm a toy geek. I'll admit that. Coworkers bring their kids
by the cubicle so they can play with my toys. And i seperate
the toys into the piles. The "any kid around can play with these
because they'll never be worth anything" and the "I'm paying for
my first born's college with these so keep your paws off". That's
assuming the kid will not become a long shoreman...and if that
happens there's a Skyline chili less than a mile away for J and
I to spend our golden years (A round of extra cheese for everyone!).

Anyway...I digress...back to the toy geek part. I'm a geek...I'm
a dork...but I will never never ever be able to rationalize getting
this beauty...

The Autobot Matrix sybolizes the accrued knowledge of
the history of the Transformers and will be used to light
their darkest hour of dispair. And for the low low price of
shipping) you can have one adorn your book shelve.

It will never be possessed by me...this I promise...Hol,I

How Thick is your outline?

The heavy outline seems to be in these days with the kid
cartoons...but will it last?..will it stand the test of time and
become a class? Tough to say...but as my old design
professor (we loving we refered to him as "Tito Contrast")
used to say... economy of line is a good thing.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Laying the Color down

There's nothing quite like putting some rough color onto the
sketches and saying to yourself, "Man...these have a ways to go."
Never worked with a limited palette before but want these
characters/costumes to hit a certain age group (3 and 4 year olds).
The fun part of the young kids is they like characters...just not
anywhere near them. Having the actor's face show is huge. How the
green monkey fits in is questionable...but when has there ever been
a need to justify the presence of a monkey?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Evolution of the Female Leg

Meeting sketching

Need to find more time in the day besides meetings.
Always wonder if people know I can sketch and listen
at the same time...walking and chewing...anyway...

Monday, February 06, 2006


So I IMed a few weeks ago with squirt...started paying
bills online (39 cents for a stamp is just too much. 37
cents is okay but 39 is just plain ridiculous)...texted a
few days ago...and now sketch ninja is live! Yep...big
steps towards staying on the wave of technology.