through fourth grade rooms. We're going to be shooting videos in a
couple weeks that will be used to show some of the kids and the
experiences they go through
At super school kids regular high school...but they're got
special Tate...he's able to put his hands together
and form hand fulls of whatever he wants...candy...paper stuff
like that. But he's not fully in control yet so when he makes a pb&j he
gets the peanut butter and jelly on the outside of the sandwich...
Anyway...these are some logo options for the theme...the stage and
other print materials are going to be worked on after one of these
gets approved.

I'm glad you recognize my special powers. I tell people about them and they would call me crazy and say mean things. "What does he know, he's just a handsome kickboxer from the wrong side of the tracks." But that's when I get on stage at the high society dinner and give my big emotional speech in front of the entire ballroom. The blue bloods wont approve, but then a slow applause will build across the floor as my views and beliefs are excepted. And that's when the prime minister parts the crowd and gives me a medal of honor. So go ahead, make your mean little comments, it's only going to make me stronger.
it's a place of honor my friend...the "special effects" for this super theme are based on my limited knowledge of final cut pro...Tate has the coolest powers...honest!
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