here. Which to be a Christ following's a good way to go.
Kid's Club is getting away from reinventing the wheel for everything
we do... and the baptism experience is one of those things.
Which is great because we can come up with a kick ass program and
then just reuse the reuseable pieces...which leaves us more time to
work on other things and everything up to awesome...but just not
all at the same time.
The "brand/whatever corporate bs term you can think of" is celebration
and we want everyone (parents, kids, onlookers) to know that that
when you get baptised it's a fantastically huge deal.

I do not think the words church and ass should be in the same post. For shame, David, for shame.
What about bs? You made me swear when i figured out the code! Asshole!
Rick Padivitz?
You theif.
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