by the cubicle so they can play with my toys. And i seperate
the toys into the piles. The "any kid around can play with these
because they'll never be worth anything" and the "I'm paying for
my first born's college with these so keep your paws off". That's
assuming the kid will not become a long shoreman...and if that
happens there's a Skyline chili less than a mile away for J and
I to spend our golden years (A round of extra cheese for everyone!).
Anyway...I digress...back to the toy geek part. I'm a geek...I'm
a dork...but I will never never ever be able to rationalize getting
this beauty...

The Autobot Matrix sybolizes the accrued knowledge of
the history of the Transformers and will be used to light
their darkest hour of dispair. And for the low low price of
shipping) you can have one adorn your book shelve.
It will never be possessed by me...this I promise...Hol,I
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