Monday, January 22, 2007


We've started working on a theme that will start in mid april...the "Farmyard".
One of the characters is "professor clauu"...a scottish/english lobster that lives
in the attic of the barn. Yes...barns have least this one will.

So we're far enough out that I can give some sketches to a volunteer and she'll
make a puppet for us. Sweet! No more relying on the internet to find a puppet
that MIGHT fit the look we're going for...

So I'm designing the character right now...will have to make orthos soon so the
volunteer will have something to work off of...ah...orthos...gotta love them.


stevie said...

There is no farm that features lobsters. Not in Ohio, not in England, not even in Maine.

You are going to drive these children insane with your misinformation. What will you tell them next, "Payton can't win the big one"??

Dave said...

next you're going to say that lobsters can't have handle bar mustaches...whatever...i reject your reality...