Saw a lot more "celebrities" at the convention then the pictures below but after a while it didn't seem to be all that big a deal to see them...they were just normal people like the rest of us.
Guy from "The Greatest American Hero" autograph with purchase of poster! What a deal!
Thomas Jane. Free autographs
Corey Feldman promoting his appearance (and hopefully his comeback role) in the direct to video classic "Lost Boys 2"
Lou Ferrigno...$30 for a polaroid!
Robert Culp offers a wide range of purchase options...
Lori...what a great '90s lady...Point Break was a great movie...Keanu...Lori...Patrick...Mr. Busey
If you want to be able to walk around with a weapon (guns...knives...bazookas... light sabers... swords...crossbows...real...fake...which ever you want) in a heavily populated area...and conceal your identity...Comic Con is the place for you!
Some buy nice houses, cars, clothes...others save for their kid's college education. And then those few...those proud...those comic-con attenders...they buy or create their own costumes...
surprisingly...the amount of half naked women to men was about even...
one of my bigger geek moments of the convention...can only imagine the time and energy this costume took...
You can't tell but this guy had a speaker hidden behind his cape with the superman soundtrack blaring...