Well hello boys and girls!
Wait for itFarmer
I’m sorry but I didn’t hear you. Can you say hello on the count
of squirrel? horse….bird…squirrel!
Wait for it.Farmer
Wow…that was much better. Welcome back to the Farm yard! I
am so glad that you are here with me today. My name is Farmer
Karen. It is going to be such a great day! I was just about to
wake up the professor….
Phone rings
Excuse but I’ve got to answer this….Hello, Farmer Karen here!
Yes…oh my….everywhere?…okay…well I’ll be right there. Kids
I am so sorry but I have to go help clean up the chicken house…
There was a big accident involving some eggs, a can of spam, and
some potpourri. But first I need my rake…where oh where is
my handy dandy broom…mmmm
(looks around up and down while the broom is obviously right there).
Kids have you seen my rake? Where? Over there? Oh I
see…thanks so much…
About to walk off camera.Farmer
Oh…would you mind helping me on a small project? I was going
to wake up Professor Clauu but I need to clean up the chicken
house…could you wake the Professor up for me? Please?! Thanks!
So on the count of cat…you need to yell as loud as you can “WAKE
UP PROFESSOR CLAUU!”….are you ready! Great…wait for the
animals to show up on the screen!…I’ll see you soon!
MMM…ooooh…did you say the party gifts don’t look nice…that’s
devastating!...huh?..... what?….what was that noise?…it sounded
like some children that have woken me up before are right
outside me window!
Professor Clauu appears
Well….I was correct! Welcome back children! Thank you for waking
me up. I was having a horrible nightmare because of this party I have
been working on. Where is Farmer Karen? Do you know where she
is? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you.
Kid responses…Clauu
Oh…she had to go to the chicken house? Interesting…let me tell
you some minutia about chickens I found in a library book…did
you know that even though chickens have wings they don’t really
fly! That’s preposterous – birds with wings that don’t fly. And
while they’re NOT flying – they can be real busy laying eggs. Did
you know that some chickens can lay up to 7 eggs a day…that’s a
lot of eggs! Can you hold up 7 fingers? That’s a lot of eggs in one
day isn’t it. You can put your hands back in your laps. Speaking
of chickens, Most chickens I know love a good party…oh no…the
party! I was having such a good time talking with you kids that I
totally forgot about the party. But now I remember and I’m
completely nervous again! Do you mind if I tell you why I’m nervous?
Wait for itOh thank you so much for listening…hopefully talking about it will
help me relax. Anyway…I am planning the biggest swim party that
this farm has seen in a long time. Even the owl doesn’t remember
a party this big! There’s going to be singing and dancing and eating
and of course swimming! At least I hope there is swimming! It hasn’t
rained in a while and the pond doesn’t have much water in it. And
if there isn’t enough water than no one will be able to swim. And if
no one will swim then this swim party I have been working on for
a long time will be absolutely ruined! I have been praying and praying
and praying to God for rain but it hasn’t rained yet! I’m so nervous!
Farmer comes back on the sceneFarmer
Good day Professor! So the kids were able to wake you up!
Oh yes most definitely…they have been so nice and understanding.
I was just telling them about the swim party we’re going to have
and that I’m really nervous.
Oh…because the pond is low and it hasn’t rained yet?
Well Professor you told me you have been praying to God about it.
So the best thing you can do is trust God. God will always be with you!
What! It’s pretty tough to trust God right now. It hasn’t rained a drop!
Oh professor. I hope that you trust God even if it doesn’t rain. You
can always trust God. He always wants the best for us.
Well to be honest this is a tough idea for me. It’s tough for me to
trust God sometimes.
Professor I’m sure we can figure something out (thinking)….I’ve got
it…Professor when you were in college and you didn’t understand
something you would usually read a book right?
Correct! I’d go to the library!
And what is in the library?Clauu
Books of course! Rows of great books with pages and words. Oh how
I adore the library.
Okay kids…this is where the Professor needs your help. What book
do you think God would want us to read to help us find answers?!
Wait for it.
The Bible! That’s right. The Bible is a great book to find answers.
There are all kinds of answers and stories and people in the Bible. In
fact we’re going to hear about one of those stories right now so we
can help Professor. Professor do you mind if we hear a story from the Bible?
Not at all…I love Bible stories…can I turn on the farm a tron so the
kids can watch too?
Yes please
Hits a button and the roof opens up and a big TV screen pops out for the story.
Illustrated with a voice overFarmer
So professor what do you think?
Delightfully educational I do say my dear Farmer Karen. It is so
amazing that Jesus was able to just say a word and calm the storm!
So what did you think about Jesus’ friends? They seemed pretty scared.
Well…I can understand why they were scared. It was a pretty big
storm. But they were with Jesus! Didn’t they know he would take
care of them?
You’re right that Jesus would take care of them. But sometimes it
can be easy for people to get scared or worried.
What? Why would you say it’s easy to get scared or worried when we
have this super powerful God on our side?
Well…you’re right that God is on our side, but you’re still a little
worried about the party aren’t you?
Oh no no…I’m not worried…I’m just passionately concerned that
the water is so low.
Well…just like Jesus wanted his friends to trust him, God wants
us to trust him too.
So it’s going to rain and fill up the pond!
Maybe…I don’t know if it will rain. But there is something I do
know. No matter what – rain or no rain. Full pond or empty pond,
God does love us and he’s on our side.
Well I still hope it rains and fills up the pond for the party. But if it
doesn’t I am still going to try really hard to trust God.
That’s great Professor! Trusting God won’t always be easy but it
is a great thing to do. Would you like to show me the cupcakes
you made for the party?
Oh no…it’s a big surprise…everyone wants to see the cupcakes…the
chickens have been trying to sneak into the barn all week!…..fade off