Ship is flying in space
Narky: Oh that’s pretty
Cadet: Yes. Very nice
Nugget:It took some looking but I found it…it’s going to look great in my bathroom!
We get to see inside the ship. Camera is fixed on the chickens and we see they’re
looking at something on the big screen
Narky:That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
Cadet: Do you think I could borrow it sometime?
Nugget: NO NO NO!
We can see over the chicken’s shoulders…it’s an online store call “Eggbay” and
the featured item is a very exquisite plunger…
Nugget: But you can come over and look at it anytime you want.
Narky: Let me show you what I’m going to get!
Few clicks with Narky’s beak and the screen changes over to:
Narky:My very own peanut butter and jelly toaster! Guaranteed to never
burn the bread! It even comes with a year’s supply of tomato jelly and a
magazine subscription to chicken health!
Nugget:Very nice
Cadet: Yes…you should have a good time enjoying that.
Nugget: How about you Cadet? Do you have your beak set on anything?
Cadet: Well…yes…let me show you
Very clicks of the keyboard…Cadet also uses his beak.
Cadet: Well…I’m interested in doing something a little different. Instead
of buying something to use….I’m going to get something done….
We see an extreme makeover website
Cadet: So this is me before (picture of Cadet)
And this is after (camera goes to get reactions from chickens)
What do you think?
Narky: Oh my goodness
Nugget: Cadet…quite a change…incredible
Cadet: Yeah…highlights, teeth whitener, hair extensions, and a little bit
of chickentox around the eyes to make me look more refreshed. (Cadet
will look bug-eyed in the picture)
Screen show “extreme makeover” for chickens…new hairdo …teeth
Narky: You know chicks who love you for your looks aren’t really your friends.
Nugget: huh...interesting
Computer: Incoming message
Nugget: On screen please.
Paige: Space Chickens! How are you doing today!
Narky: Great Astronaut Paige! We were just showing each other what
we’re going to buy soon!
Paige: Yeah! Well what are you getting?
Nugget: The new GX Plunger 2000.
Paige: Oh.
Narky: A new peanut butter and jelly sandwich toaster!
Paige: Huh.
Cadet: Hair extensions!
Paige: What?
Cadet: Pretty cool huh!
Paige: Uhm…’s great that you can buy nice things for yourselves
but you do know that there are more important things than just “stuff”. Do
you know that God wants you to have something that is even better than all of this?!
Nugget: But what is better than a good plunger?
Narky: And a sandwich toaster
Nugget: And whitened teeth!
Paige: Actually there is something that is better and more important than
those things…hmmm, where do I begin?
Nugget: So what’s better than all this cool stuff we found on Eggbay?
Paige: Well there are some thing really important that money just can’t buy
Narky: Really?
Paige: Chickens…I think the easiest way to show you is to use the spaceship’s
telescope to look at a few planets.
Nugget: Cool! We get to use the telescope. Narky! Engage the overly
complicated telescope!
Narky: Yes sir. (lots of buttons to push)
Paige: Alright. Narky, please zoom in on planet Bling
Narky: Yes Astronaut Paige…I’m adjusting to coordinates and we should
be zooming in…here we go.
Paige: Great! Go ahead and take some pictures and them put them on screen.
Narky: Okay…taking pictures…processing…and here we go! I’ll put them
on screen.
We’ll see a slideshow of some pictures of drawings of a planet that is all
blinged out but the aliens walk past one another and don’t talk. They’re
selfish, jealous, unlovin, look sad…among other things.
Paige: So what do you chickens see?
Nugget: Wow! All kinds of cool stuff! They’ve got the newest clothes and
gadgets! They’ve got it all!
Cadet: They do have it all! Look…that guy has the hair style that I want!
Narky: What more could they possibly need?
Paige: Narky would you please take some pictures of another planet.
Narky: Sure…which planet?
Paige: Planet Humdrum
Narky: Okay
We’ll see a slideshow of some pictures of drawings of a planet that not as
blinged out. Everything is not perfect – but they seem content –helping
others, interacting with one another.
Paige: So what do you chickens see now?
Nugget: Well…they don’t have the newest clothes.
Narky: I don’t see any cool gadgets.
Cadet: I don’t think they have chickentox. They all look…so…natural.
Paige: Okay. So you’ve taken a first look at both planets…Narky please
put the pictures of the two planets next to each other..
Narky: Yes mam…here you go.
Paige: Great. Now chickens I’d like you to look at these pictures again.
But instead of just looking at what they do or don’t have and what they’re
wearing I want you to look beyond that.
Nugget: Okay.
Paige: So what do you see beyond their clothes and the things they’re carrying?
Nugget:Well…no one is smiling on planet Bling. It seems like something is
missing on Bling..
Cadet: Yeah…and on planet humdrum they talking to each other and
hanging out, sharing stuff with one another. There “stuff” isn’t as nice, but
they have something that they don’t have on Bling. People on planet bling
aren’t even looking at one another.
Paige: You’re right – something is missing on planet bling. People on don’t
know about Jesus and what is means to be friends with him forever.
Nugget: But they have all that nice stuff, does knowing Jesus really make that big of a difference.
Paige: The Bible tells us that God wants the best for us but he’s not talking
about stuff we can buy… God is talking about other things. Things that we
can’t always see right away – like knowing Jesus and being a friend of His.
All that cool stuff on bling will fade away eventually. Just like the cool stuff
you’re looking at. The plunger will break, the toaster will start burning your
toast, your teeth won’t look so white anymore.
Cadet: So all cool stuff will be trash some day – how depressing.
Paige: Computer, Please give us1 Peter 1:3-4 1 (Show: Give praise to the
God . . . . In his great mercy he has given us . . . a hope that is alive. It is alive
because Jesus Christ rose from the dead. . . . we might share in what belongs
to him. It is a gift that can never be destroyed. It can never spoil or even
fade away. . . 1 Peter 1:3-4)
Narky: it’s something that will never ever, never ever fade away? Never
break? Never wear out?
Paige: That’s right Narky. What Jesus gives you lasts forever. It lasts longer
than the best plunger ever or the most expensive peanut butter and jelly toaster.
Nugget: So is it wrong to have cool stuff and nice clothes?
Paige: Oh no! Not at all! If you have nice clothes and new toys that’s cool…God
wants us to have nice stuff. But we need to realize that all that nice stuff is not
the most important thing. What God wants us to have even more than all that
stuff that we buy is that he wants us to know Jesus
Cadet: So if God wants the best for us and we know that the best thing is
knowing Jesus …then should we spend more time getting to know Jesus
and telling our friends about Jesus than looking on Eggbay for stuff to buy?
Paige: That’s right Cadet! Even though all that stuff on Eggbay looks really
cool, it doesn’t compare to knowing Jesus.
Narky: Hey guys that reminds me - I know a game!
Nugget: What?
Narky: It’s called…(starts snoring)
Cadet: Oh I know that game! (cocks head to the side and starts snoring)
Nugget: Wait for me! (cocks head to the side and starts snoring)
Paige: Chickens? Chickens? (shakes head while laughing)…silly space chickens…