Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
some kind of repeating thingie
I remember a present from my neighbors as a kid...it was some kind
of Gaelic coloring book...crazy stuff like shields and snakes and stuff...very
"Braveheart" kind of stuff...probably some hagis too but I didn't recognize
it at the time...lots of repeating shapes and the images were divided into
quadrants so the pattern would repeat outward...kinda like this...but
with snakes...
of Gaelic coloring book...crazy stuff like shields and snakes and stuff...very
"Braveheart" kind of stuff...probably some hagis too but I didn't recognize
it at the time...lots of repeating shapes and the images were divided into
quadrants so the pattern would repeat outward...kinda like this...but
with snakes...

Monday, May 29, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
clock...in progress

Kirk and I have been working on building a wooden clock for a
while now. He pretty much cranked out his share of the pieces
really quickly (actually...freakishly quick...he's a bad ass)...and
I've been working on my for a bit longer. Well...it looks like the
pieces are all done so it's time to assemble. More info as it
becomes available...but the hope is soon we will have created
technology to be able to tell the passage of time. Exciting stuff!
ads i've noticed
Someone needs to think a little bit more before they put this stuff out:

Is the couple on the left hand side celebrating because some guy
is getting his face caved in? Could it be they're so happy that their
projector delivers the crispness of color and detail that they've always
wanted? Are they happy they have to cart everything up to the roof
and unless they live on the southern west coast this happy event can
only happen a few months of the year? Are they joyous because they
decided to spend money on a projector instead of putting money
into a mutual fund with a good return?

Let's say that you and your wife are walking down the street on the
way to a wedding or some type of black tie event. All of a sudden a
fireball comes blazing down the street. Do you start running and
pulling your wife (who's in high heels) along or do you loving put her
in front of you and then start running...effectively shielding her from
and debris or shrapel? And who besides that guy with the song from
the 80s wear their sunglasses at night? Okay...besides Bono...
Somewhere there are monkeys typing making this stuff up...and
they're flinging poo on their coffee breaks...

Is the couple on the left hand side celebrating because some guy
is getting his face caved in? Could it be they're so happy that their
projector delivers the crispness of color and detail that they've always
wanted? Are they happy they have to cart everything up to the roof
and unless they live on the southern west coast this happy event can
only happen a few months of the year? Are they joyous because they
decided to spend money on a projector instead of putting money
into a mutual fund with a good return?

Let's say that you and your wife are walking down the street on the
way to a wedding or some type of black tie event. All of a sudden a
fireball comes blazing down the street. Do you start running and
pulling your wife (who's in high heels) along or do you loving put her
in front of you and then start running...effectively shielding her from
and debris or shrapel? And who besides that guy with the song from
the 80s wear their sunglasses at night? Okay...besides Bono...
Somewhere there are monkeys typing making this stuff up...and
they're flinging poo on their coffee breaks...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Paiger did the old "projectile vomit" trick on our bed spread friday so
today I took it (the bed spread) to the laundromat since it was too big to
do at home. It was a great experience all around as two women that didn't
look like they would help were more than willing to make suggestions and
show me (an inept male) how to use the equipment. My mistake for taking
them at face value. While I waited for the milk puke to get washed out I got
to sketch for a full hour uninterrupted on some upcoming projects. This
would never happen at work. I may need to get Paige to puke on other
large washable household items. Perhaps Daisy? She would be hilarious
during the spin cycle. You think she's a nervous dog now....just wait till
she's all static clingy...
Just kidding all you dog lovers...Hol would never let me do this...

today I took it (the bed spread) to the laundromat since it was too big to
do at home. It was a great experience all around as two women that didn't
look like they would help were more than willing to make suggestions and
show me (an inept male) how to use the equipment. My mistake for taking
them at face value. While I waited for the milk puke to get washed out I got
to sketch for a full hour uninterrupted on some upcoming projects. This
would never happen at work. I may need to get Paige to puke on other
large washable household items. Perhaps Daisy? She would be hilarious
during the spin cycle. You think she's a nervous dog now....just wait till
she's all static clingy...
Just kidding all you dog lovers...Hol would never let me do this...

Saturday, May 20, 2006
oh tony my tony
Not much of a caricature guy...never been good at it and have never
felt the need to try and get better...well this guy...we'll call him "Tony" since
that's his name...asked me to do a caricature of him before he left town.
I agreed and here's the final product.
I decided to do a pink gradiation of the original because he didn't say
goodbye to the majority of us at work when he left...one day he was gone
and there weren't any more low fat yogurts in the fridge...so...he's a little
girl in my book ...a fun cool girl...but a little girl none the less.
Here's to you Tony...or should I call you Tonette? Tonia? Tonya?
felt the need to try and get better...well this guy...we'll call him "Tony" since
that's his name...asked me to do a caricature of him before he left town.
I agreed and here's the final product.
I decided to do a pink gradiation of the original because he didn't say
goodbye to the majority of us at work when he left...one day he was gone
and there weren't any more low fat yogurts in the fridge...so...he's a little
girl in my book ...a fun cool girl...but a little girl none the less.
Here's to you Tony...or should I call you Tonette? Tonia? Tonya?

Friday, May 19, 2006
these are going to be fun...I saw this cool artwork a while ago
in chicago where the artist had taken an image and transposed
it onto wood...cut out all the pieces...sanded them appropriately
and then put all the pieces back together to create a cool piece
of work...don't know if that would be called "relief art"...but it
was cool.
in chicago where the artist had taken an image and transposed
it onto wood...cut out all the pieces...sanded them appropriately
and then put all the pieces back together to create a cool piece
of work...don't know if that would be called "relief art"...but it
was cool.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
new look and a few sketches
You may have notice the difference in "look" at sketch ninja. I was vising
my a friend's website who linked to another site (done by a girl) and her
layout was just like mine. I felt the need to change this site instantly so
there would be no confusion on someone's part. And now that I've done
it...I realize the statistics state that 50,000 new blogs start a day...and
blogger.com offers 18 or so templates...chances are good that a few girls
out there picked this template too...
but the really good news is that this template has the color orange in
it...which is good.
not too many sketches today...but it takes time to figure out how to make
a superhero look un-super...
my a friend's website who linked to another site (done by a girl) and her
layout was just like mine. I felt the need to change this site instantly so
there would be no confusion on someone's part. And now that I've done
it...I realize the statistics state that 50,000 new blogs start a day...and
blogger.com offers 18 or so templates...chances are good that a few girls
out there picked this template too...
but the really good news is that this template has the color orange in
it...which is good.
not too many sketches today...but it takes time to figure out how to make
a superhero look un-super...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
some area 56 offerings
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
monday monday...oooh ahhhh boom da da boom...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
a dinosaur
giraffe finals
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
more rough logos
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
area 56
Monday, May 08, 2006
last time i'll mention this book...honest
"Do we have to stare death in the face to make us stand up and confront
Resistance? Does Resistance have to cripple and disfigure our lives
before we wake up to it's existence? How many of us have become drunks
and drug addicts, developed tumors and neuroses, succumbed to
painkillers, gossip, and compulsive cell-phone use, simply because we
don't do that thing that our hearts, our inner genius, is calling us to?
Resistance defeats us. If tomorrow morning by some stroke of magic
every dazed and benighted soul woke up with the power to take the first
step toward pursuing his or her dreams, every shrink in the directory
would be out of business. Prisons would stand empty. The alcohol and
tobacco industries would collapse, along with the junk food, cosmetic
surgery, and infotainment businesses, not to mention pharmaceutical
companies, hospitals, and the medical profession from top to bottom.
Domestic abuse would become extinct, as would addiction, obesity,
migraine headaches, road rage, and dandruff."
Steven Pressfield, "The War of Art"
This is a good book. Get it from your library....go to Barnes and Noble and sit in one of their comfy chairs for 2 hours...when Hol is done with our copy you can borrow it.
Resistance? Does Resistance have to cripple and disfigure our lives
before we wake up to it's existence? How many of us have become drunks
and drug addicts, developed tumors and neuroses, succumbed to
painkillers, gossip, and compulsive cell-phone use, simply because we
don't do that thing that our hearts, our inner genius, is calling us to?
Resistance defeats us. If tomorrow morning by some stroke of magic
every dazed and benighted soul woke up with the power to take the first
step toward pursuing his or her dreams, every shrink in the directory
would be out of business. Prisons would stand empty. The alcohol and
tobacco industries would collapse, along with the junk food, cosmetic
surgery, and infotainment businesses, not to mention pharmaceutical
companies, hospitals, and the medical profession from top to bottom.
Domestic abuse would become extinct, as would addiction, obesity,
migraine headaches, road rage, and dandruff."
Steven Pressfield, "The War of Art"
This is a good book. Get it from your library....go to Barnes and Noble and sit in one of their comfy chairs for 2 hours...when Hol is done with our copy you can borrow it.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
so i'm slogging through my stack of books. everyone has a stack of
books to read. it's natural. it's good. their entertainment in waiting. problem
is, my stack of books gets added to by other people. someone at work
usually drops a book on my desk every 1 to 3 weeks. and that's good
too. but my stack never gets smaller...it just changes shape and color.
but...this book "the war of art" is pretty sweet so far. it's a quick read. i
thought it was going to make me a better artist...a "think more clearly"
kind of guy...and it does that...but it's not just about art...it's about everything...
the idea that there are two of every person...the person we are and the
person we could be...and in the middle keeping us "two" people instead
of "one" is resistance...here's quick blurb...
"Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more
unhappiness than poverty, disease, and erectile dysfunction. To yield
to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than
we are and were born to be. If you believe in God (and I do) you must
declare Resistance evil, for it prevents us from achieving the life God
intended when He endowed each of us with our own unique genius"
-Scott Pressfield, "The War of Art"
I'm about half way through and all of the stuff makes sense...the idea
that showing up is the toughest part of creativity...there will always be
things that get in the way...one of his thoughts that is pretty cool is the
idea that you know you're on the right track when you get more resistance...
anyway...random ramblings...here's some sketches. it hasn't been my
day to day sketches and i think what has stopped me is I wanted to put
complete thoughts up...nice sketches that are done...legible...
understandable...no more of that!
books to read. it's natural. it's good. their entertainment in waiting. problem
is, my stack of books gets added to by other people. someone at work
usually drops a book on my desk every 1 to 3 weeks. and that's good
too. but my stack never gets smaller...it just changes shape and color.
but...this book "the war of art" is pretty sweet so far. it's a quick read. i
thought it was going to make me a better artist...a "think more clearly"
kind of guy...and it does that...but it's not just about art...it's about everything...
the idea that there are two of every person...the person we are and the
person we could be...and in the middle keeping us "two" people instead
of "one" is resistance...here's quick blurb...
"Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more
unhappiness than poverty, disease, and erectile dysfunction. To yield
to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than
we are and were born to be. If you believe in God (and I do) you must
declare Resistance evil, for it prevents us from achieving the life God
intended when He endowed each of us with our own unique genius"
-Scott Pressfield, "The War of Art"
I'm about half way through and all of the stuff makes sense...the idea
that showing up is the toughest part of creativity...there will always be
things that get in the way...one of his thoughts that is pretty cool is the
idea that you know you're on the right track when you get more resistance...
anyway...random ramblings...here's some sketches. it hasn't been my
day to day sketches and i think what has stopped me is I wanted to put
complete thoughts up...nice sketches that are done...legible...
understandable...no more of that!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
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