Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Hollyn Design
Back in the day (two...three years ago?) I was thinking about
starting a design company named after my dear wife...well...my
sketch book isn't close by to upload today's images and I
thought...well...why not put these up?!
Some of them I like...some of them I can tell what I was thinking
when sketching them...others I have no idea what was going
on...good or bad.
So...until tomorrow...here's a blast from the past...

starting a design company named after my dear wife...well...my
sketch book isn't close by to upload today's images and I
thought...well...why not put these up?!
Some of them I like...some of them I can tell what I was thinking
when sketching them...others I have no idea what was going
on...good or bad.
So...until tomorrow...here's a blast from the past...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
After reading how so many of the people that are uber talented
in their creative fields cranked out loads of crap before they
found their groove i've decided to make lots of ugly stuff for a
while. The idea being all the ugly stuff will eventually get out of
my system and all that will be left is good creative imaginative stuff.
in their creative fields cranked out loads of crap before they
found their groove i've decided to make lots of ugly stuff for a
while. The idea being all the ugly stuff will eventually get out of
my system and all that will be left is good creative imaginative stuff.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
do you think there was some spit up?
That was the question my lovely wife posed to me as we sat in the
living room with our ears tuned into the baby monitor. Paige makes
all kinds of noises but we hadn't heard these kind before (so far we're
almost at 4 weeks of experience).
As if Paige wanted to make things blantantly obvious the next sound
we heard can only be compared to the sound of getting the last of the
ketchup out of the bottle. We journeyed upstairs to find a quasi-smiling
baby and a mattress cover that had just fit the requirements for the
laundry. Through it all she still makes us laugh and it's an easy decision
to keep her for a few more days. She has this continual effect on us.
There is this really talented guy online that has posted a huge chunk
of his sketchbook online and I've learned a lot from him. Definitely need
to post the link to his sink when I can find it.
living room with our ears tuned into the baby monitor. Paige makes
all kinds of noises but we hadn't heard these kind before (so far we're
almost at 4 weeks of experience).
As if Paige wanted to make things blantantly obvious the next sound
we heard can only be compared to the sound of getting the last of the
ketchup out of the bottle. We journeyed upstairs to find a quasi-smiling
baby and a mattress cover that had just fit the requirements for the
laundry. Through it all she still makes us laugh and it's an easy decision
to keep her for a few more days. She has this continual effect on us.
There is this really talented guy online that has posted a huge chunk
of his sketchbook online and I've learned a lot from him. Definitely need
to post the link to his sink when I can find it.

Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
meeting suck the life out of me
this is the time when i would rather not post so you won't see
the sad sad amount or quality that is lacking on days like today
...but daily posting keeps me honest and the bad sketch days
remind me to work it in more the day after and the day after
that...anyway...a day worth of meetings and then writing tax
payment checks have sucked away all the time and the life
out of me. don't worry by the way...enough checks were
written today that chances are you'll receive something from
me in a couple of days...
i do have some previous posted images colored now but left
them at work...will post those tomorrow
the sad sad amount or quality that is lacking on days like today
...but daily posting keeps me honest and the bad sketch days
remind me to work it in more the day after and the day after
that...anyway...a day worth of meetings and then writing tax
payment checks have sucked away all the time and the life
out of me. don't worry by the way...enough checks were
written today that chances are you'll receive something from
me in a couple of days...
i do have some previous posted images colored now but left
them at work...will post those tomorrow

Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
saturday dear saturday
just watched "cinderella man"...what the ending was going to
be seemed obvious but that didn't stop the lady and i from
enjoying it...well...i enjoyed it all...hol kept covering her eyes
during the fights...too much violence for her...
it was a great time period movie...it all happened during the
great depression...which i don't understand how there was
anything great about it...why not the "really bad depression"?
...regardless...watching it and seeing what those people did
to survive and what they felt were blessings makes me see
what i have...i've got it really really really good.

be seemed obvious but that didn't stop the lady and i from
enjoying it...well...i enjoyed it all...hol kept covering her eyes
during the fights...too much violence for her...
it was a great time period movie...it all happened during the
great depression...which i don't understand how there was
anything great about it...why not the "really bad depression"?
...regardless...watching it and seeing what those people did
to survive and what they felt were blessings makes me see
what i have...i've got it really really really good.

Friday, March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Prep and Animals
Got a presentation next week that we can use images for.
Sweet! Small rough sketches always help me through my
thoughts and usually add to what I thought I was going to do.
Much much talented Star Wars artists came out with a book
a few years ago with all of their sketches on the wild life of
the SW mythos. Really good stuff and great for learning.
Sweet! Small rough sketches always help me through my
thoughts and usually add to what I thought I was going to do.
Much much talented Star Wars artists came out with a book
a few years ago with all of their sketches on the wild life of
the SW mythos. Really good stuff and great for learning.

Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I uh...I got nothing for title
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Should sketch earlier
Recently it seems like the only sketching is "ahhh!...need to
sketch something today!"...so maybe sketching at lunchtime
is the answer...put on a pair of headphones with some good
tunes and sketch away to see what happens...my favorite part
is when you go beyond what you were going to put on paper
and put down something fresh...a little different...then a little
more different...finally when you look at the beginning and the
end they seem similar but are not one jump away from
another...my favorite part is the process of it all.
sketch something today!"...so maybe sketching at lunchtime
is the answer...put on a pair of headphones with some good
tunes and sketch away to see what happens...my favorite part
is when you go beyond what you were going to put on paper
and put down something fresh...a little different...then a little
more different...finally when you look at the beginning and the
end they seem similar but are not one jump away from
another...my favorite part is the process of it all.

Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
t-shirt ideation
Kelly work girl has this cool shirt idea and she says "hey...what
do you think" and i say "would love to play with the idea"...voila
working towards easily, creatively, simply showing (graphically...
in that we would use graphics) that boys should be the ones to
initiate calls to girls...not the other way...
in progresso as they say...
do you think" and i say "would love to play with the idea"...voila
working towards easily, creatively, simply showing (graphically...
in that we would use graphics) that boys should be the ones to
initiate calls to girls...not the other way...
in progresso as they say...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Two kinds of people that don't like vegetables
The people that just deal with the vegetables and eat them.
There is this completely different breed that complain complain
complain until they are just tuckered out...sigh deeply...and
eat them.
I've been kicking around this idea of having a ensemble
cast cartoon for a while and it's always fun to just have a
bit of an idea that you can see will fit into the big picture.
The big picture isn't available yet but these little pieces help
bring it into focus. The cartoon could have a seinfeld-esque
character that makes funny truthful observations...and then
takes them to the fringe. What if this "two people" concept
had a psychological definition? How far could this idea be
taken to a wacky and non-obvious conclusion? Oh...if only
Paige was soiling her diapers more slowly I would be that
much closer to a well rounded idea.
There is this completely different breed that complain complain
complain until they are just tuckered out...sigh deeply...and
eat them.
I've been kicking around this idea of having a ensemble
cast cartoon for a while and it's always fun to just have a
bit of an idea that you can see will fit into the big picture.
The big picture isn't available yet but these little pieces help
bring it into focus. The cartoon could have a seinfeld-esque
character that makes funny truthful observations...and then
takes them to the fringe. What if this "two people" concept
had a psychological definition? How far could this idea be
taken to a wacky and non-obvious conclusion? Oh...if only
Paige was soiling her diapers more slowly I would be that
much closer to a well rounded idea.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Horrible poster...but hopefully a good husband/father!
Hey! It's been a while...but I've got a good excuse! Paige Skylar
Little was born last sunday morning. 8 pounds, 13 ounces, 21 inches...
Grandpa Seifert got the numbers confused over the phone
("13 inches and 21 pounds?"). The guy is 93 years young so we cut him
some slack.
Little was born last sunday morning. 8 pounds, 13 ounces, 21 inches...
Grandpa Seifert got the numbers confused over the phone
("13 inches and 21 pounds?"). The guy is 93 years young so we cut him
some slack.
So why does page have such a perfectly perfect shaped head? Well, it's
a benefit to a c-section...paige didn't have to traverse the birth canal
(no relation to panama) so her head didn't get all traigularly shaped.
So anyway...not too much to show for the past week except...well...a child...
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