A while ago I got to record a series of podcasts with Chuck Moore
(and some other guys) that are now being distributed through a
cool website (thanks T-bone!) and itunes.
You can check it out here:
fatherspodcast.comor do a search in the itunes store for "fathers podcast"
A little bit of background...Chuck Moore has been involved in
leading groups of men become better husbands and fathers for
the past 24 years. I mentioned to him a while ago that he
should turn it into a podcast so the ideas can be spread to
anyone that has internet access.
To make a long story short...we did the podcasts and also
developed content for guys to use alone or in groups (the ideas
are great...but being in a supportive community is just as important).
A new teaching podcast will be up each week (each cast is about
10 minutes and focuses on a general idea that men can take and
adapt to their particular situation) along with an occasional
podcast of a father telling his story.
Hope ya digs...